Sunday, 21 March 2021

Cover lesson

Have learned not to be precipitous in announcing the cover of my short story anthology. That picture is not available except with some complicated restrictions and at a high price. I had a back-up so we are going with that, and doing the poetry book cover and a new cover for A New Era For Manny Youngman at the same time because we can get a better price from the picture suppliers. 
Meanwhile the new novel is taking shape quickly. I have the broad outline and just need to fill in some detail before I start writing the first draft.

Friday, 19 March 2021

New novel starting to take shape

 I've started on a new novel, provisional title Searching or The Search. The central theme is a man looking for a soul-mate and going through a process of deciding whether such a thing exists and, if not, what he can do to find someone.

I am developing several story lines with different characters all searching for something but with some obstacle in their way. The stories will be interwoven with the solution to each problem giving the main character a clue to solving his own.

Because of this structure I have to have a plot worked out. It is not a seat of the pants novel, at least not at this stage. It is going to be important to time the events to come together at the right time, 

One problem may be the number of characters - I may need to cut them back, which means reducing the number of stories, or introducing them in a different way - say one character referring to another story as well as her/his own.

All good brain exercise and something to look forward to working on each day.

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Proposed cover


This is the picture I plan to use for the covers of my short story anthology. Buying the right to use it from fineart america. The right side will be the front, with the title in the yellow pages area and the blurb will be in the top left hand corner on the back cover.

Decisions on reprinting

 With the publishing of 'My Life In Short Stories' under way I have been giving thought to what to do with my two novels. I have limited stocks of both. 'The Man Who Didn't Like People' has been the better seller so I will reprint that as it is. With 'A New Era For Manny Youngman', there has been criticism of the cover so Bec is going to give it a fresh look before we reprint it. Meanwhile I am putting the finishing touches to 'All My Years', a collection of my poetry and songs I plan to publish later in the year. By the next time I have an exhibition I should have a good selection to present to potential readers.

Anthology on its way

 Completed the final edits on my anthology of short stories. Now goes off to be typeset and sent to the printer. It was an interesting experience, reviewing stories I have written over more than 50 years. Some of the earlier stories were better than I expected and there were one or two themes that ran through a lot of them. One was observing strangers and imagining their stories, another was a dislike of prejudice and discrimination and a third was a continuing search for a something not quite attainable.