I've started on a new novel, provisional title Searching or The Search. The central theme is a man looking for a soul-mate and going through a process of deciding whether such a thing exists and, if not, what he can do to find someone.
I am developing several story lines with different characters all searching for something but with some obstacle in their way. The stories will be interwoven with the solution to each problem giving the main character a clue to solving his own.
Because of this structure I have to have a plot worked out. It is not a seat of the pants novel, at least not at this stage. It is going to be important to time the events to come together at the right time,
One problem may be the number of characters - I may need to cut them back, which means reducing the number of stories, or introducing them in a different way - say one character referring to another story as well as her/his own.
All good brain exercise and something to look forward to working on each day.
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